Stay on the trail at all times and make sure you can always see your guide. Leave no trace by taking anything out with you as you leave the trailhead.
We suggest a camel back type of water reservoir that holds 1.5 lliters for a 2.5-3 hour hike.
Choosing the right shoes for your hike is very important to the safety and comfort of the hike. Go to a store that ideally specializes in hiking shoes, and make sure to break them in prior to the trip. Wearing socks that have some wool content will help to ward off any instance of blisters. Carry some band aids or liquid skin as a precaution.
We always recommend that clients start walking at home prior to get the legs strong and build endurance. This will help when hiking on uneven surfaces such as the red rocks. Make sure you make solid contact with the ground. It is best while walking to keep your eye on the trail and stop to take pictures or look at the view.
If you are going on a sunset hike, be sure to pack a small flashlight, or headlamp. (you can purchase at the local ace hardware). Bring your iphone or android with you, and make sure it holds a full charge. Carry a camelback or equivalent water reservoir. Be sure to keep stopping to drink water even if it is cooler out, we are in the desert and its very important to stay hydrated.
A walking stick is encouraged for helping navigate on the uneven terrain.
Sunscreen: Apply from home and bring a small container with. Use sunscreen lip balm and apply sunscreen to top of ears and feet where sun hits hard. Wear a hat or sun shield. Bring sunglasses. Power bars or small bag of nuts are also handy.
Make sure if you are hiking in a group that you always can visibly see the leader. Don't go ahead stick with the group at all times. If you need to rest, tell the leader so you can take a break. In general follow the rock cairns that are metal cages filled with red rocks to show the way. Most trailheads are well marked with signage. Download an app like "All Trails" is very helpful to see where you are at on the trail. We always carry a printed map as well. Take a picture of the trailhead with your iphone as a reference.
Mountain Bikers should always yield to hikers but that may not always happen. Make sure you listen on the trail for the sound of a bike coming close. Thank the biker who has a bell on their bike! Step aside when you see or hear one coming and be sure to ask the lead rider how many more are behind him, and ask the last person if they ar the last.